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Unmatched Contract Expertise

We provide consistency and mitigate risks with clear and high quality contract guidance for your teams, playbooks and templates. Let our team of experts help you build and maintain contract expertise.



When it comes to contracts, no one comes close to LegalSifter's Chief Content Officer, Ken Adams. With decades of experience and expertise, Ken is an authority on the building blocks of contract language and wrote many of the contract best practices and playbooks in LegalSifter Review.

  • His book A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, now in its fifth edition, is “a classic,” is “extraordinary,” and has sold tens of thousands of copies.
  • His work has been widely cited by courts, notably the Delaware Court of Chancery.
  • He’s done hundreds of Drafting Clearer Contracts presentations to companies, law firms, government agencies, and the public around the world.
  • He has written 2,600+ blog posts and dozens of articles.
  • With Adams Contracts, a division of LegalSifter, we offer Ken's expertise to you with highly customizable document-assembly templates. Get sophisticated or go basic, depending on your needs.
Learn More About How We Can Help You Today.

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