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AI Legal Software for Law Firms

Our Combined Intelligence ® can create a truly full-service law firm and give you back time for your most important work.

Globally, businesses and consumers find the legal profession invaluable for sticky and strategic issues, but often too slow and expensive for everyday needs. Our Combined Intelligence, combining the best of AI-powered software and human expertise can help your firm do more in less time.

Legal technology serves the lawyer, not the client. It mostly works outside of a lawyer's core tasks of thinking, reading, and writing. Our AI-powered “Sifters” are like having an extra set of eyes, catching clauses in contracts your team may miss.  In addition to this LegalSifter brings you human expertise that software alone cannot. We provide hundreds of playbooks including global best practices and advice, many written by the leading experts on contract language. We have a team of lawyers and contract experts who can both review and organize your contracts for you with guaranteed results. As a result, law firms and general counsels offer full service all the time.


Learn how LegalSifter can help you: