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Explore our FAQs to find answers to common questions about our practical and powerful contract management solutions.
FAQs: All
01What is Combined Intelligence?
Combined Intelligence = artificial + human intelligence. We believe that an algorithm plus a person is stronger than either by itself, so we have designed all of our products based upon a "human-in-the-loop" principle. We do not trust the robots to get it right all the time; they make mistakes. (So do the humans, by the way.) We purposefully build our products to incorporate people, accepting that even with the cutting-edge AI used by our products, we will not be able to eliminate humans from the work that we focus on in our business. Thus, we named this concept Combined Intelligence.
02Do your products include free updates?
Yes. All of our subscriptions include free updates for our clients. Because our software is delivered as a service in the cloud, clients receive these updates automatically. We release updates weekly. Clients and partners can expect new and improved Sifters, new and improved playbooks in LegalSifter Review, and ongoing software enhancements for LegalSifter Review and LegalSifter Organize in our weekly releases.
03Is LegalSifter global?
Yes. LegalSifter has clients and partners headquartered in 17 countries around the world. Many of our clients have operations on multiple continents.
04Do you offer unlimited free training for your products?
05Do you offer unlimited free technical support for your products?
Yes. LegalSifter offers unlimited free technical support from Client Support five (5) days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, Eastern Time, not including the following USA holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Clients and partners may reach us via chat on, chat within LegalSifter Review, email at, or phone at +1 724-221-7438 (SIFT). LegalSifter offers emergency support on weekends and off-hours. Clients and partners may access at any time self-paced videos and documentation available in our Online Help Center.
06How do you handle enhancement requests?
Clients and partners may submit enhancement requests through or directly to their assigned Growth team member. Clients and partners may also request new Sifters specifically with our Sifter Ideas form.
07What is a Sifter?
A Sifter is a piece of software trained to read text and look for a specific concept. It reads novel language, learns from experience, and improves over time. Our Sifters use machine learning and natural language processing, types of AI, along with a number of other advanced search techniques.
08Does your AI use Machine Learning (ML)?
Yes. We use advanced machine learning to keep our Sifters improving.
09How accurate are your Sifters?
On average, our Sifters F1 accuracy score is 95%, with our latest Sifters at 97% or higher. We use Precision, Recall, and F1 to measure the performance of our Sifters. For an in-depth look at these metrics and surrounding concepts, read this nice blog entitled, "4 things you need to know about AI: accuracy, precision, recall and F1 scores," from Lawtomated. A Sifter must hit a minimum precision score of 90%, a minimum recall score of 95%, and a minimum F1 of 93% to be published within our products. The average F1 for all of our Sifters is just above 95% and rising (Sifters improve over time). The Sifters coming out of our Sifter Factory in the last year are starting at 97%+. These F1 scores materially outpace human performance. That doesn't mean that the Sifters are "smarter" then people, but it does mean that a collection of Sifters is more likely to accurately classify and analyze contract concepts then a human.
10What if you don't have a Sifter for a concept that I need?
Clients and partners may suggest Sifters for our Sifter Library through our Sifter Ideas form or sponsor a Sifter through the Sifter Sponsorship program. We consistently work to accommodate our client and partner requests with new Sifters that meet their needs.
11Do Sifters get smarter over time?
Yes. Sifters are consistently improved with the help of Sifter Trainer reports and focused research and development efforts from our Data Science and Content Development teams. When we started in 2013, our Sifters were performing at F1 levels around 90%. Now they exceed 97%. We will continue to improve the performance of our Sifters as our user base grows and our technology advances.
12Do Sifters make mistakes?
Yes. Just like people, our Sifters make errors. Clients and team members report Sifter errors through our Sifter Trainer, a feature of both LegalSifter Review and LegalSifter Organize. Once our Content Development team confirms the accuracy of the report, we will retrain the Sifter that made the error within 5-10 business days and release the improved Sifter back into production.
13Who are LegalSifter's Combined Intelligence Partners?
LegalSifter partners with six types of organizations through our Combined Intelligence Partner Program: 1) Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software providers. 2) Non-CLM software providers. 3) Law Firms and Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSPs). 4) Consulting firms. 5) Insurance companies. 6) Other organizations that do not neatly fit into one of the 5 categories above (e.g., bar associations, etc.). In general, we are open to referral, reseller, and other commercial variations of partner relationships. We have built our products to complement and make money for our partners. Click here for a complete list of our partners.
14I have a lot of security and privacy questions ... how do I get them answered?
LegalSifter has partnered with VeraSafe and Amazon Web Services to ensure both cloud security and privacy. You can learn more as follows: 1) Please see the following pages, for more information. Cloud Security Privacy Statement California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Notice for California Residents Amazon Web Services Cloud Security 2) Please submit your organization's cybersecurity and privacy questionnaire to or your LegalSifter Growth contact. We will complete it and return it to you.
15Does LegalSifter use my contract data?
Only with your permission. We use client and partner contracts to improve the quality of our Sifters for everyone as part of our Sifter Improvement Program. With more clients, partners, and contracts, we make our Sifters more accurate, faster. Essentially, we chop contracts up into little pieces—words, phrases and sentences—and feed them to our algorithms. If you consent, we will use your contracts for Sifter research and development. Under no circumstances will your contracts be disclosed or identifiable to any third party, other than subcontractors involved in Sifter research and development. Without your consent, we will not use your contracts, other than as needed to provide technical support on your account.
16Is data encrypted at rest and in transit?
Yes. LegalSifter encrypts data at rest and in transit. Data that is encrypted at rest includes the underlying storage for database instances and its automated backups. Data at rest, which includes Read Replicas, and snapshots, as well as S3 storage buckets, and application server storage, are encrypted using the industry-standard AES-256 encryption algorithm, with keys managed by AWS Key Management Service. For data in transit, LegalSifter utilizes TLS 1.2. LegalSifter received an A+ grade from Qualys’ SSL Labs analyzer. Communications between back-end infrastructure travel exclusively within a private network where connections are whitelisted as needed.
17Do you offer Single Sign-On (SSO)?
Yes. At no additional cost, clients may enroll their organizations in Single Sign-On (SSO). You are a good candidate for SSO if you are already using an identity management system. We support a wide variety of identity providers. We support the following: Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) Active Directory / LDAPSAML Google Workspace Microsoft Azure AD OKTA Open ID Connect PingFederate SAML / SAML 2.0 Others upon request.
18Do you offer Multi-Factor authentication (MFA)?
Yes. LegalSifter supports Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for all organizations and users. MFA requires knowledge of your password and possession of your cell phone. Passwords must have a minimum of 15 characters, with complexity requirements enforced. Users must select a unique password up to 12 times before they may reuse an old password. Users set their own initial password before logging on for the first time. Accounts are locked after 5 consecutive failed login attempts. User accounts timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity.
19Who are LegalSifter's Clients?
The vast majority of our clients are companies, universities, or government entities. We also serve law firms, Our clients range in size from a 1-person consulting firm to global 500 publicly-traded corporations. We have clients in all major industries.
20Are you a contract lifecycle management (CLM) provider?
Yes, No, and Stop Buying CLMs.
1) Yes. Our Contract Control Program can include a CLM platform, LegalSifter Control, at no additional cost.
2) No. LegalSifter Review and LegalSifter Organize are complementary to the CLMs available on the market. If you don't have a CLM, we will give you ours for free.
3) Don't Buy CLM. We believe that buying a CLM, even with AI, is not enough to solve contract pains. You need expertise and people available to populate and manage the system.
They should subscribe to a Contract Operations as a Service (CAAAS) solution like the Contract Control Program with a data quality guarantee. Let contract operations experts organize signed agreements while you run your business.
21Why do you say "Don't Buy CLM?"
Don't Buy CLM. We believe that organizations shouldn't buy a CLM. They cannot maintain it.
Manage your contracts like you manage your money at a bank: When you deposit a check at a bank's ATM, you expect the money to appear on your banking app on your phone in seconds. You do not care how the money got to your phone or what the software is called. You only want to manage your financial life.
CLMs don't operate like a bank ATM. If banks operated like CLMs, you would have to deposit your check, walk around the other side of the ATM and pull it out of the machine, carry it to the vault, login into another piece of software, enter the check amount, the payor, the payor's address, the payee, the check date, the account number, the routing number, issue and maintain login credentials to the payee, design and organize reports for the payee and the payor, etc. None of those activities are core to running your financial life, just as maintaining a CLM repository is not core to running your business.
Organizations should purchase a Contract Administration as a Service (CAAAS) product like LegalSifter's Contract Control Program with a data quality guarantee. Let contract administration experts organize signed agreements while you run your business.
22Does your AI use Natural Language Processing (NLP)?
Yes. We use the most advanced NLP in our Sifters. The technology, among other things, allows our Sifters to read language that they have never seen before. The ability of Sifters to read novel language is critical in contracts, as most agreements have unique phrasing.
23What is the Sifter Library?
The Sifter Library includes a description of the Sifters that are available to our clients today. The Sifter Library is updated weekly.
24What is the Sifter Trainer?
Our Sifters continuously improve with crowdsourced feedback from our clients, partners, and team members. Sifter Trainer is a feature of LegalSifter Review for users to report Sifter errors. Once our Content Development team confirms the accuracy of a Sifter Trainer report, we will retrain the Sifter that made the error within 5-10 business days and release the improved Sifter back into production.
25What are Sifter Ideas?
We maintain a Sifter Roadmap that determines which Sifters we will build next. We build the Sifter Roadmap based upon the playbooks that we intend to cover with LegalSifter Review, concepts to be extracted and verified with LegalSifter Organize service, Sifters paid for by clients and partners through our Sifter Sponsorship program, and requests from our clients and partners.
26What is the Sifter Sponsorship program?
Clients and partners who want Sifters for concepts uncovered by our Sifter Library may sponsor a Sifter for development. We'll build the Sifter immediately, jumping the line in the Sifter Factory.
27How are Sifters improved over time?
We use client and partner contracts to improve the quality of our Sifters for everyone. With more clients, partners, and contracts, we make our Sifters more accurate, faster. Essentially, we chop contracts up into little pieces—words, phrases and sentences—and feed them to our algorithms. If you consent (80% of our clients do), we will use your contracts for Sifter research and development. Under no circumstances will your contracts be disclosed or identifiable to any third party, other than subcontractors involved in Sifter research and development. Without your consent, we will not use your contracts, other than as needed to provide technical support on your account.
28Who is the ideal LegalSifter Review user?
LegalSifter Review was built for anyone who has to review and negotiate contracts, and has a "do-it-yourself" mindset. If you are the kind of person who reviews agreements and is willing to dig into the details and has the time, LegalSifter Review is a great fit for you.
If you either do not have the time, or you are the kind of person who only wants to know, "can I sign it or not," and are not interested in the details, you can let us do it for you using LegalSifter Review confgured to your specific positions, needs, and guidelines.
29What situations are best to use LegalSifter Review?
LegalSifter Review has 6 classic use cases. The most frequently cited use case is when a user must negotiate on the counterparty paper. People find it hard to review another party's paper, particularly when trying to understand risky omissions. LegalSifter Review is invaluable when reading an agreement you have never seen.
1. Review counterparty's paper. At times, you have to create a new contract. Double-checking your draft before it goes to the counterparty with LegalSifter Review ensures you do not leave out provisions that protect you.
2. Double-check your first draft. If you send out your agreement, and the counterparty marks it up, LegalSifter Review will help you quickly understand what changed.
3. Review your draft, marked up by the counterparty. Double-checking your teammate's draft before it goes to the counterparty or a client is another good use of LegalSifter Review.
4. Double-check your teammate's draft. Buyers who must negotiate on supplier's papers may use LegalSifter Review to conduct the first round of negotiation with the fifth classic use case. The supplier will sift their own paper in a buyer-branded version of LegalSifter Review, filled with negotiating points that the buyer normally shares with the supplier openly. The supplier, who is highly motivated to get the deal done, will do the first redline, saving everyone lots of time and money as they modify their paper for what the buyer expects. The buyer only has to give the supplier a username and password to LegalSifter Review.
5. Buyer has LegalSifter Review do the first round of negotiation on supplier paper. When buyers make suppliers negotiate on buyer paper, suppliers often make lots of redlines because (a) they do not agree and (b) they do not understand. Buyers who are used to getting their own paper will save themselves a lot of time by allowing suppliers to sift the buyer paper inside LegalSifter Review. Our product, filled with buyer points of view that the buyer would share normally, will allow the supplier to make redlines with more context concerning the buyer's intent. The extra context helps the supplier make fewer or more acceptable redlines, saving everyone time and money.
6. For buyers that force suppliers to use their paper, suppliers sift and edit buyer paper in LegalSifter Review.
30What contract types does LegalSifter Review read?
LegalSifter Review is appropriate for most English-language, business-as-usual agreements, defined as what any procurement function spends up to 80% of its time negotiating.
Business Associate
Confidentiality / Non-Disclosure
Data Processing
General Terms & Conditions / Boilerplate
Information Security
Privacy & GDPR
Shipping: Truckload Transportation & Brokerage
Software and IT
Sponsored Research
31Will LegalSifter Review make me faster?
Yes, typically. "Up to 50% faster" is the most accurate statement. Context matters. We tend to define speed in terms of how fast a single person will review an agreement with and without LegalSifter Review. If you are negotiating an agreement over about which you have a lot of competency, you should see tremendous improvements in speed as learn to you work seamlessly with our Sifters over subject matter that you understand. If you are negotiating an agreement over which you have limited competency, you will not enjoy the fastest gains of all of our users, as you will spend more time familiarizing yourself with the concepts and advice from LegalSifter Review. That said, if LegalSifter Review allows you to review a contract that you would otherwise have to pass on to other people, the aggregate time savings vs. what you would have had to spend with multiple people may outpace all of our users. If you would rather not review contracts at all, do not like technology, and do not have a lot of contract competency, you could opt for the Contract Control Program and have our team do it for you.
32May I share sifted documents in LegalSifter Review with teammates or 3rd parties?
Yes. All LegalSifter Review editions allow teammates to review, redline, and comment on the same sifted agreement with our simple sharing feature. Professional edition clients may also setup LegalSifter Review to accommodate collaboration and negotiation with a counterparty.
33What does the onboarding process for LegalSifter Review look like?
LegalSifter Review Essentials clients: Onboarding only requires setting up a username and password plus a 30-minute user training that we encourage all users to attend. LegalSifter Review is preconfigured with out-of-the-box advice, Sifter Settings, and Playbooks, so but for a few administrative settings and some training, onboarding is simple.
Contract Control Program clients: LegalSifter Review is usable immediately once username and passwords are assigned. A 30-minute user training is recommended to configure specific playbook changes or new ones (it also comes with out-of-the-box Playbooks). When configuring Playbooks, clients should expect to spend the following amount of time:
4-16 hours of work to create your first Playbook with one of our attorneys.
1-4 hours of work for each Playbook after the first one.
1-4 hours of refresh work each month or each quarter to keep your Playbooks fresh.
1-2 hours of administrator training for your Admins.
30 minutes of training for each user.
Some clients knock out this work in days. Some take longer.
34Does LegalSifter Review have a clause library?
Yes. LegalSifter includes recommended or sample clauses with each of its Sifters in its out-of-the-box advice and in the Sifter Library.
35Who writes the out-of-the-box guidance in LegalSifter Review?
LegalSifter Review includes out-of-the-box guidance for all clients. Attorneys with relevant experience within the Playbook type write our out-of-the-box guidance. For example, see the following:
Business Associate Agreement guidance was written by Dan Mulholland from Horty Springer, one of the top law health law firms in the United States.
Our software contract guidance was built with support from David Tollen, a LegalSifter advisor and author of The Tech Contracts Handbook.
Our truckload transportation and brokerage guidance was built by Transaction Expeditors, a subsidiary of Frost Brown Todd, one of the top law firms for truckload transportation in the United States.
Ken Adams, our Chief Content Officer and the author of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting, manages the guidance within LegalSifter Review. He is the leading authority on the building blocks of contract language and has conducted hundreds of Drafting Clearer Contracts training sessions around the world, online, and in-person.
36Is guidance different for buyer vs. supplier, landlord vs. tenant, etc.?
Yes, if appropriate. Some concepts require different guidance based upon your position in the negotiation - buyer vs. supplier, landlord vs. tenant, etc. When the guidance diverges, the guidance included in LegalSifter Review out of the box varies, as do the Sifter Settings (i.e., the controls over Sifter behavior). Buyers should expect different contract negotiation guidance than suppliers. When the guidance does not diverge, the guidance is the same regardless of your position.
37May I configure LegalSifter Review with our organization's guidance?
Yes. Depending on your subscription level, you may configure the guidance, Sifters, and Sifter Settings for your organization. Configuration is a no-code process accomplished with anyone who is competent with both contract provisions and your organization's negotiation strategies.
38Does LegalSifter Review work with Word or GoogleDocs?
Yes. The last step in using LegalSifter Review takes the user to Word, Google Docs, or any other word processing application. With LegalSifter API, LegalSifter Review may also integrate into your application or workflow seamlessly.
39Does LegalSifter Review have reporting?
Yes. LegalSifter Review has a variety of reports including:
1) Sifter Settings (Playbook) Report: Admins may download an organization's playbook at any time.
2) Document Abstract: Any user may download an abstract of any sifted document at any time.
3) All Sifts Report: Admins may download a report of all Sifts across the organization in the All Sifts Report.
4) Sifter Trainer Report: Users and admins may download a report of all individual or organizational Sifter Trainers.
40Does LegalSifter Review integrate with my CLM or software through an API?
Yes. Through LegalSifter API you may integrate LegalSifter Review in your application or workflow.
41Is LegalSifter Review offered in other languages?
Yes. LegalSifter Review, the application itself and not our Sifters, is currently available in the following languages:
Standard Chinese (Mandarin)
Clients are using these languages when they have to negotiate English contracts with team members for whom English is a second language. Clients turn on the native language (e.g., Croatian) in LegalSifter Review and offer advice in their native language and in English. Note that our Sifters only read English at this time.
42Does LegalSifter Review work for contracts outside of the United States?
Yes. We have clients around the world using LegalSifter Review on English contracts. Because the advice is configurable in LegalSifter Review, multinational organizations change the advice by jurisdiction - e.g., EU users may receive different advice than South Africa or China on limitation of liability or payment terms.
We have trained our Sifters on a cross-section of global English language contracts, so they will do a good job of recognizing novel language in different English dialects.
43What is the Truckload Transportation Package for LegalSifter Review?
Built by transportation experts at Transaction Expeditors, subsidiary of full-service law firm, Frost Brown Todd, LLC, the Truckload Transportation package includes Playbooks from both parties' perspectives for Broker-Shipper Agreements, Broker-Carrier Agreements, and Shipper-Carrier Agreements.
44Who are the people reviewing and negotiating my contracts?
Lawyers with contract experience that work for LegalSifter, or with your permission, who work for either a law firm, themselves, or an alternative legal service provider.
All services clients work with a designated member of our Sifting Services team who is responsible for ensuring your subscription is successful.
45How fast will you turnaround a contract redline?
Same or next business day.
46How fast will you complete a negotiation?
We will turn our first redline the same or next business day most of the time. Ultimately, the negotiation timeline is a function of the counterparty.
47Will you negotiate the contract for me?
At our client's option, we will conduct one round of negotiation for our clients in an attempt to get the contract ready for signature.
48Does LegalSifter Organize include a CLM?
Yes. We can work with any CLM that you have or we will give you ours, LegalSifter Control, for free.
49Who is the ideal LegalSifter Organize client?
Any organization tired of administering their own executed contract data should use LegalSifter Organize. Frankly, that's just about everybody.
Curating contracts is not core to organizations that bend metal, deliver services, code software, manage government agencies, or manufacture products. In the near future, contract administration as a service will be as normal a thing to buy as outside payroll, IT, HR, cybersecurity, cloud, or any other back-office, non-core function sent outside the four walls of a company today.
All of our LegalSifter Organize clients are happy, mostly because they don't have to organize their contracts themselves. Don't buy CLM. Buy contract operations as a service instead. Let contract operations experts organize signed agreements while you run your business.
50What is the 99% Data Quality Guarantee?
The top reason clients use LegalSifter Organize is for the peace of mind and efficiencies from organized documents. They expect clean, normalized, parent-child matched, de-duplicated, and usable data. They don't want 13 different versions of "Google, Inc" as counterparties - one misspelled, one with a comma, one with a period, etc. - none of which tie together.
We back up our product with a 99%+ Data Quality Guarantee in our subscription agreements. If your data is not at least 99% accurate, we will fix it at no additional cost to you.
51Who are the people administering my contracts?
Our Sifting Services team members have (a) an acute attention to detail, (b) great reading comprehension, and (c) a high drive for organization. Sometimes they are lawyers, paralegals, and contract administrators, but sometimes they are people that enjoy putting things in their place.
All LegalSifter Organize clients are assigned a dedicated member of our Sifting Services team.
52What is a field in LegalSifter Organize?
A Field is is a type of data, such as an address, termination of convenience (yes/silent), contract title, counterparty name, etc.
53What fields of data do clients typically want sifted from their documents?
Clients consistently want four types of data sifted from their documents.
"Name, rank, and serial number" fields: All clients want some combination of a group of standard fields like party name, counterparty name, start date, end date, term type, renewal time period, the notice required to stop autorenewal or to exercise the option to renew, fully executed, etc.
Legal fields: Force majeure including epidemic, indemnity by a supplier, assignment rights with or without consent, limitation of liability above one year's fees, etc. are just a few of the examples that we see from clients who want to understand more about the legal terms and conditions within their contracts.
Business-specific fields: Most clients want to know something about their contracts that is specific to their business. For example, if they sell purple, yellow, and green products, they may want to know the edition of the purple product, the price of the yellow product, and some obligations when delivering the green product.
Exploding fields: A few clients need information that is captured in a table of an undefined size. Sometimes the table has two rows and two columns with four pieces of data. Sometimes the table has twenty rows and twenty columns with four hundred pieces of data. We call these fields exploding fields, as the extraction effort may explode from one contract to another.
54How do I migrate my old contracts?
You will collect them and transfer them to us securely. We will agree with you on the fields of data that you would like to sift from your agreements, do a test sift of 25 or so documents, and then sift the information from the rest of your contracts using our Sifting Services team. We will deliver all of your old contract data to you in a spreadsheet called a Sifting File. You will review and approve the Sifting File then our team will migrate all your documents and data into the contract repository.
55I already have a CLM and like it, but my documents are a mess. May I still purchase LegalSifter Organize?
Yes. LegalSifter Organize is a service that can be used with any Contract Lifecycle Management software on the market. Our Sifting Services team can your inside your chosen application.
56Can LegalSifter benchmark contract clauses, i.e. compare the clause language of a contract with the industry standard language?
Yes, LegalSifter Review is configured with best-practice guidance for many business-as-usual contracts. We have engaged subject matter experts and attorneys to provide out-of-the-box guidance and language built for your specific role in the negotiation (e.g., landlord vs. tenant, buyer vs. seller, etc.). LegalSifter Organize is consistently used by our clients to understand what they have signed historically. Clients use that information for multiple reasons, one of which is to benchmark their own performance against industry-standard language or their internal negotiation playbooks.
Contracts are a pain. Learn how LegalSifter can help you.
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